3 Things About My THING...

I believe there's no greater thing, than being true to yourself.
And also knowing THE THING, that fuels what you do.
Your daily routine can make you feel exhausted—or help you become the person you want to be.
Once I discovered it, it changed my life forever.


You can only know your passion if you know yourself.

It is your secret power that truly expresses your personality, makes you different from other people and whispers to your soul : - You should do this.
At any age! That's a good news about it.
You don't have to be pretty, you don't have to be blond or brunette, you don't have to be 20 or 50.
At any age you can still discover your THING through finding your passion.


But what about dark shadows in life? We all have them. Our secret pains.
Are they distractions from our THING?
Absolutely not.
I've never heard of anybody, who did great achievements and haven't gone through some hard times in his life. 
And I can say even more - If they had not been through some pains, they would not have the burning to do what they did.
What you think is working against you – is actually working for you!
And if you can realize that -then you make sense out of pain.
And you'll start to say :
- You know, that was good for me, that I went through that.
I found my way BECAUSE you left me.
I discovered myself when I lost you. The loosing of you was the discovery of me.
And it begins to make sense.


I often hear people of my age want to start their businesses and earn a lot of money.
I am constantly watching, that people seek provision, that it's all about the money.
But I also happen to know some rich people.
That's why I know for sure: Money without purpose doesn't make you wise.
You don't want to seek money, you want to seek your THING.
If you find your thing, your purpose -you don't have to worry about money. Your money will find you.

And one more thing. The most wonderful and coolest people in the world for me – are those, who know who they are and know what they are created to do.
People, who found their THING are attractive, they are focused.

People who are lost are hard to live with.
Whether they are rich or not. Or beautiful or not.

People who don't know, who they are - are always needing validation to feel secure.

But when you know who you are –
you're safe with yourself, you don't need everybody among your friends to make you feel good about who you are.

So if you like this post it's good – but if you don't I'm ok, because I'm living my life on my purpose!

2 коммент.:

  1. I love this post. It is so true that when you find your purpose, you can have a good life.



    1. Thank you, Agnes! I love your purpose as well! Being a runner is so amazing! Wish you to keep doing your THING and good luck in marathons!
